Contact us
Ålesund Taxi AS, Lerstadveien 312, 6014 Ålesund
+ 47 70 10 30 00 (for taxi order)
MaxiTaxi/HC, call TaxiBuss at +4790908000
Visit address:
Lerstad, 6014 Ålesund
Lerstad, 6014 Ålesund
The permanent staff:
CeO John Breivik. Phone + 47 701 70 701 or mobile phone +47 926 50 581
Please adress inquiries about lost property (if you have lost something in one of our cars) to this adress.
Org nr: 976 548 035 MVA
For booking av taxi, please use callcenter at Tel: 70 10 30 00 / or mail
for tansport up to 7 passengers
send mail to for prebooking Maxitaxi and/or HC transport - or call +47 90 90 8000